


 Ryu Koshijutsu is the oldest of the nine martial art traditions that make up the Bujinkan System, and it is safe to say that it is the core style of the majority of our arts.(玉虎流是武神館九流系統中最為古老的流派,他也可以說是武神館的核心流派)Hatsumi Sensei has stated that the koshijutsu forms the basis of the following systems: Togakure, Koto, GikanShinden Fudo, Gyokushin, and Kumogakure.(初見良昭師父說,骨指術是戶隱流、虎倒流、義鑑流、神傳不動流、玉心流、雲隱流等流派的基礎) The name ?Gyokkomeans Jeweled Tiger, or Tiger Jewel, and may refer to the eye of the tiger. (「玉虎」的本意是眼睛鑲著珠寶的老虎)

The method of movement and basic principles were developed in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). (玉虎流的移動方式以及基本招是是在唐朝的時候發展出來的)It is thought to be developed by either a smaller man or a woman, based on the movement.(它被認為是由小個子的男人或是女人藉由移動而發展出來的技法) It is known that there was a woman in the court of Chan?an (the capitol of the Tang Dynasty) very well known for her martial arts abilities. (唐朝有位女性的臣子非常擅長這項武術)When the Tang Dynasty fell in 907, many of the Chinese nobility escaped into Japan.(西元907年,唐代衰亡之後,許多皇室貴族逃到了日本) The names Yo Gyokko (Yao Yu Hu) and Cho Gyokko are associated with the art leaving China and arriving in Japan. (They possibly were the same person). (有個叫「姚玉虎」和「周玉虎」的人,離開中國到了日本,而這項絕技也跟著到了日本;「姚玉虎」和「周玉虎」可能是指同一個人)General Ikai (or Ibou) is also associated with the origin of Gyokko Ryu.(異勻將軍也和玉虎流的起源有關) According to Hatsumi Sensei that person could also be somebody (bou) from foreign (I) country. (根據初見師父所述,異勻(Ibou)可能是位外國人)


The first actual Soke of what we would call ?official Gyokko Ryuwas Tozawa Hakuunsai(那我們應該稱誰是我們的宗家(Soke)?玉虎流的正傳?應該是戶澤白雲齋)His name suggests a connection with Hakuun Ryu Ninjutsu, which no longer exists.(他的名字和一個已經不存在的流派:白雲流忍術有關) This was in the Hogen Era (1156-1159), which makes Gyokko Ryu one of the oldest documented martial art systems in Japan.(鎌倉時代時,創始了玉虎流最古老的一份文件) Hatsumi Sensei has said in fact that koshijutsu is the basis of martial arts in Japan, and that it forms the backbone (koshi) of the fighting systems in the Iga Region (I?m assuming he?s referring to all ninjutsu clans). (初見師父曾說過,骨指術是日本最基礎的武術,同時也是在室町時代時,戰鬥系統的主幹)The Bugei Ryu-ha Daijiten refers to the Gyokko Ryu as "KosshijutsuShitojutsuNinpo". (在武術流派大辭典裡面,敘述玉虎流是「骨指術」、「骨法」、「忍術」)

Koshijutsu means ?to knock down an enemy with one finger.? (骨指術是指用一根指頭攻擊敵人嗎?)Therefore, intense striking training was involved, mostly to the fingers, toes and knuckles, but also with all parts of the body.(因此,玉虎流包含強烈的攻擊訓練,大部分是攻擊手指、腳趾、關節,甚至是身體的任何部位) The style is characterized by powerful blocks with the knuckles that destroy the muscles of the opponent, ripping, piercing and tearing techniques with the fingers and toes, powerful stomping kicks, and close grappling with locks and throws.(利用關節摧毀對手的肌肉,以及利用手指撕裂、刺穿、衝擊對方,用腳重擊對方,近身格鬥則用擒拿和摔技) It was taught in the Gyokko Ryu to only use as much strength as needed to defeat the opponent.(一般都認為玉虎流只利用力量打倒敵人) They were also known for their skill with the sword, 6-foot staff and knife. (同時,玉虎流也擅長用劍、六角棒、匕首)





The character NIN means to guard the nation with even your life.


Forget self; be patient and do not fear dying. (忘記自我,忍耐及不懼怕死亡)

In danger, say and show nothing. (面對危險時,要無所懼)

As a strong enemy comes, keep an indomitable spirit. (面對強大的敵人,保持無畏的精神)

Serve and protect the master, as you must your parents. (保護你的主人如同你的家人一般)

Vices dissipate your proficiency. (精通排除淫邪意念)

Being drunk affects your judgement(貪杯會影響你的判斷力(戒酒))

Destroy the enemy?s power but leave his life. (摧毀敵人的戰鬥力,但不傷害敵人的生命)

Do not teach others without the master?s permission.(未經師父同意,不傳授外人)


另有一篇可以參考 :




